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(011) 310- 7557 / 7155

We have a nationwide network of reliable distributors and resellers of our products.
You can contact them directly for purchasing in your area.

Company Name Physical Address Telephone No.
Bearings International – NAMIBIA SWAKOPMUND New Industrial Area; No. 4 Einstein Street; Swakopmund 00264-6440 4611/4134
Bearings International – NAMIBIA WINDHOEK 34 Parsons Street; Southern Industrial Area; Windhoek 00264-61 234158/9
Bearings International – NAMIBIA ROSH PINAH 557 Yellowfish Street; Rosh Pinah 00264-63 274014
Company Name Physical Address Telephone No.
Lemmer Hydraulics 1414 Sation Road; Industrial Area; Copperbelt Province; Chingola; Zambia 0026-0212-313329
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